Nothing beats a backyard putting green. You can play golf any time you want, and you don’t have to worry about how much it’s going to cost. Unfortunately, pests can infest natural grass and ruin golf turf. They can eat and build nests in the grass, burrow under the green and leave waste that can cause turf diseases. Luckily, there’s a way to keep pests away from your backyard putting green in Tracy: artificial grass!

6 Bugs That Can Devastate Natural Putting Greens

No matter how you look at it, pests can ruin the natural grass in your backyard putting green.These pests come in different shapes and sizes, and they can wreak havoc on your putting green’s health.

White Grubs

White grubs are the larvae of several beetles found in North America. They feed on the roots and crowns of grasses, causing brown patches in the turf. The larvae can also kill turfgrass by cutting off its water supply. This means that even if you get rid of the grubs, they may still cause damage to your putting green.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are insects that feed on grasses and weeds. They are most active during late spring and early fall. These bugs cause damage by chewing on the stems of grass plants, which causes them to die back until they turn brown and brittle. They usually stay in the areas around trees and shrubs on golf courses, where they thrive in shady areas with lots of moisture.


Billbugs are beetles with long snouts that bore into plant stems, causing wilting and death. They are most active during spring and fall but can be found year-round in warmer climates. The damage caused by billbugs is also often mistaken for drought stress or poor drainage.


Cutworms are larvae that feed on young plants,including grass by cutting off their stems at or below ground level. This kills the plant before it has time to develop strong roots or shoots. These critters won’t stop until there’s nothing left for them to eat anymore. If they’re infesting your putting green in Tracy, your grass likely won’t have time to grow.


Armyworms are caterpillars that eat grass blades from the bottom up, leaving behind U-shaped holes. They’re usually brownish-green with white stripes down their backs. If you see these caterpillars on your putting green, they’ll usually be found near the base of plants or under leaves where they can hide during the day.

Sod Webworms

Sod webworms are the larvae of a type of moth. They eat the leaves of your putting green and lay their eggs in the holes they make as they chew through the leaves. They can also burrow into the soil and feed on roots, which can kill your putting green grass outright or cause it to turn yellow and brown.

How Synthetic Grass in Tracy Keeps Putting Greens Pest-Free

Artificial grass doesn’t have any organic matter that bugs can feed on. That means pests can’t feed off of it!

Also, there’s no place for them to hide in artificial putting greens because it doesn’t have any roots. Synthetic turf also retains its pile height, so insects can’t find shelter among its fibers.

Moreover, artificial grass isn’t as soft or inviting to insects as natural turf. It also has none of the fresh scents that attract bugs to natural putting greens. Also, synthetic turf has great drainage, which means it won’t stay wet for long and attract bugs.

Pest-Proof Your Putting Greens With Artificial Grass in Tracy

We hope that you found this article to be informative and helpful for your backyard putting green. If you have any questions about anything we’ve discussed here, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always happy to help.

Here at Tracy Artificial Grass, we offer artificial grass for putting greens as well as landscaping and installation services. Call us at 408-723-4954 or fill out our contact form to learn more!